October 3, 2008

Danger Zone

So, the other day I was chatting with Melanie and Steve. Steve mentioned that he had seen Melanie's sister riding her bike, wearing a helmet and thought that was funny. I say, GOOD JOB! I personally don't like wearing a helmet while riding my bike, hence why I don't ride it as much as I should. (Ok, I realize most of you are thinking what I'm thinking and that it is mostly because I'm out of shape!)

That being said, it still kinda shocks me when I see someone riding a motorcycle without a helmet. (Ah, the joys of growing up in California where it is a law to do so!) Anyway, I saw this on my way to work today. Funny that he has the helmet, but wearing his huge headphones is more important. Maybe those will keep his head safe in a head on with a car? I don't judge, he's abiding by the law...it just scares me a little bit!

P.S. Aren't you all lucky that I take my camera EVERYWHERE so that I can have this kind of proof?


Charlotta-love said...

So...you are taking a picture of a guy while you are driving??? Hmm, maybe you need a helmet. lol

kp said...

the other day I saw a girl riding on the back of a motorcycle with no shoes! I was shocked! Do you understand how road rash works!???!! Also, I support the helmet laws. Also, remember our fun rides on the Provo river trail...

haleyhorrocks said...

Allison! I jumped to Shauna's blog from Kathy's, and saw yours on Shauna's. How's everything going?

Nice picture. I'm also pretty sure wearing headphones while driving is illegal (at least in Washington it is)--and if it's not, it should be.