May 29, 2011


Oh my goodness.  If I knew what I was supposed to be doing with my life, life would be great!  Which, it actually is, but I would like to know what is going on in my future, right?!  So, I made the decision back in December that I was going to start looking for a job in the Bay Area so that I could be closer to my family.  I'm going to skip all the messy details, but let's leave it at this...I have a good chance of getting a job in the San Jose area, I would be living with my sister and brother in law, be close to my family etc.  Or Prosper has finally decided to put me in a department with people who I enjoy and finally give me a raise (after putting up a fight about needing a raise for the past 4+ years).  Plus now they are offering to make me a manager.  I just got put back into my old ward with the new boundary changes and have a fabulous roommate and still don't pay rent.  What am I supposed to do with my life?!


Traci said... you really want to know my answer?? ;)

Tracy said...

Stay... so that we can still hang out sometimes.

karlie said...

i have your answer, move to Tampa....

Charlotta-love said...

Life, I love how it is confusing.

Georgia. You should move to Georgia.