January 18, 2010


My new roommates!

Cute, huh?


I thought so.

January 14, 2010

I Heart You!

I came home to these type of notes hidden ALL over the house a few weeks back.
I've never felt so loved since every time I turned around, I was being told "I heart you"
Love you too, KP!

January 7, 2010


So, I went home for Christmas...and it was BEAUTIFUL! I took my normal back roads of Petaluma drive, which always ends at Salmon Creek...
I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans at the beach in December...ahhhhh...!

While I was home, I got to catch up with Helene! In high school, when working at the wildlife Museum, Helene, Shawna and I were the dream team. It was great hanging out and she even took me on a tour of Safari West. Needless to say, I'm HORRIBLY jealous of her job! I also got to visit KP at the house she grew up in Vacaville, an old friend friend from Elementary school, dinner with Rickard and Ash, and of course spent and evening with Johanna. There were a lot of the oldies but goodies at church both Sundays as well!
Christmas was pretty low key. We didn't really do much other than wait around for the Lyles to get there. After they left, we ran over to see Sherlock Holmes. Good Movie.
Of course we got in a few games of Rummikub. As Ash puts it, we play for BLOOD! haha. Good thing I won most of the games! :)
I got back to Utah a couple days before New Years. A few of us got together and went out to eat at a Peruvian place...yum!
Pretty sure that soda tasted like the bubble gum flavored stuff they use at the orthodontist to make molds of your teeth. After eating, we went home to watch the Bucket List and then over to a house in the ward to ring in the new year.

Came home afterwards and made Mormon style Daquiris and Pina Coladas...mmmmm!