November 28, 2008


Yesterday, being Thanksgiving, I was able to wake up without an alarm and stay in bed as long as I wanted. Wonderfulness number one. Wonderfulness number two is that I woke up and it was one of those mornings where your bed is SO indescribably comfortable. No matter what, I felt like I was floating on a cloud. Granted, my bed is extremely comfortable in the first place, I mean, look at looks like a cloud! (that picture was taken a couple minutes before typing this blog.)

All throughout college (and probably high school as well) I never studied at a desk. I always studied in my bed. I know some of my old roommates are reading this and never studied! Tsk Tsk...I did too...only I always fell asleep IN my bed after about 5 minutes of studying. Now isn't that a much better place to fall asleep than in the library or on some hard desk?

I am not the only person who thinks that my bed is just amazing. There have been plenty of times when I have come home and found random people in my bed. Or, even in just hanging out, people tend to congregate to my bed. What can I say? My bed is one of my most favorite places ever! And I've come to realize that I take a lot of pictures of my bed...Hmmm...

I am so blessed.

November 23, 2008

Soon To Be Mrs. Peterson

I'm starting to feel like my blog has become a reporting system on the different showers I attend! Oh well! So, my little Jessica is getting married! It was fun to go to her bridal shower on Saturday. I forsure didn't win any of the games, but oh well...we all know I'm not the biggest fan of shower games! (Althought I was SO close to winning a game at Shauna's baby shower!)

We went dress shopping a while back. None of those dresses will be in use for the wedding, but I liked the picture. Besides, why pay thousands of dollars for dresses when you can make them out of paper products for a fraction of the cost!

Not sure that she will be all that warm in that dress in January, but she looks beautiful none the less!

November 20, 2008


So, Laura Larsen Smith commented on the video of my parents dancing and it brought back MANY a memory...

"Laura and Jared said...
I remember your dad doing things like that in the halls between Sacrament meeting and Sunday school--then I would grab him behind the neck and tell him to go to class!"

All of you Petaluma Second Warders, I'm sure, remember my dad, AKA JEROME, dragging each and every one of us to Sunday School each week. Not one of us young men or young women were immune to this. Still makes me laugh thinking so far back about that!

Thanks, Laura, for the reminder and the hiliarious comment!

November 17, 2008

Shauna's Baby Shower

On Saturday I was able to go to my old roommate's (Shauna) baby shower! The shower was up in Salt Lake, so I map quested the location. Yeah, after driving around the area for a while, I realized that one of the streets on the directions did not exist. I called Shauna, who got me on the right track (she's always had a way of doing that for me) and I made it to the shower safe and sound!

So, Shauna is 8 months prego and this was the first time that I've seen her since she's been pregnant. (I know, I'm a horrible friend!) Anyway, it was SO weird at first to see Shauna with this tummy...granted, she looks like she's only about 4 months prego, but still! I hate feeling pregnant tummies, but I had to feel Shauna's to make sure this was real! I finally got over the shock and had fun at the shower and getting to catch up some with Shauna. We realized that we have been each other's longest running roommates!

It was also so fun to see Shauna's mom again (she has this way of always making me feel like the most beautiful person in the room). I even got to meet Shauna's new sister-in-law, Kristen, who was so much fun to talk to!

Anyway, I figured I would add in some extra pictures of Shauna and me over the years. Congrats to Shauna and Mark...and I can't wait to meet you, baby Jackson!

In the dorms our freshman summer.
Halloween in the Terrace.

That fateful trip to SoCal about 4 years ago.

At Shauna's baby shower last Saturday.

November 14, 2008

My Parents are Talented!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

November 12, 2008


What is going on? I do not understand how I can sit at my desk for 3 HOURS only to look down at the clock and see that only 10 MINUTES have passed. This has been EVERY DAY since November 3rd. Oh, and it isn't just me. I have questioned my co-workers as well and they agree. SOMEONE HAS SLOWED DOWN TIME! I don't know who did it, but I would like my normal speedy day at work back. You might think that maybe I don't have enough to do. Yeah, no. I think almost daily I am given some new responsibility to take care of. I think maybe it has to do with the holidays coming up. I especially LOVE Thanksgiving due to the fact that I get TWO paid holidays. I really don't understand why we don't get a week or three off for Christmas, but that's just me. Either way, apparently I'm really looking forward to some days away from work.

Anyway, to pass the time I decided to blog about it. Yeah, what seemed like at least 20 minutes was really about three. I even played with my camera to possibly put a picture of myself on this blog...yeah...wasn't the most flattering picture! Instead you are stuck with the HUGE lettered fax coversheet that I received from a client the other day. It made me laugh, so I put it up in my cube.

P.S. Yes, I changed the background of my blog. Never thought I would do it, but I was bored the other day (see above story). Anyway, it isn't my favorite, but after putting it on and realizing it messed up my whole blog and after taking time to fix the blog it is going to be a long time before I change it again!

November 8, 2008

The Three Muskateers

So, a couple years ago my parents decided to clean out my closets in our house in Petaluma so that my mom could have some extra storage. They moved all my stuff into boxes in the garage. Ever since then, I have not been able to find my multiple photo albums that have all my pictures from 4th until 12th grade. Yeah, don't get me started on how annoyed I still am about that. Anyway, I do have one box that I have some of the copies of the photos. I was looking through these photos and missing the days when the Three Muskateers were all together! We had such great times growing up! Anyway, I figured I should share the good old days with everyone...

November 5, 2008

My Thoughts Today

Probably about 4 years ago in Disneyland
Prop 8-
As I write this, 95% of the precincts have reported on Prop 8 and we are at 52% yes! I'm pretty sure that the last five percent won't be changing the passing of this prop. I'm very grateful for this to pass. It has been amazing for me to see how divided we are becoming. I understand that people are entitled to their own opinions, but it has been interesting to see how many LDS members have been against Prop 8, despite LDS values, the church's stance, the prophet's counsel and the word of God. Growing up in California, there were very few conservatives in my high school class and it seems as though, especially in the bay area, everyone has become more and more liberal. I don't have any kids yet, but it will be interesting to raise LDS kids in such a liberal world. Good luck to those of you who are already doing that!

President Elect Obama-
Congrats to Obama, even though I did not vote for him. It is commendable for him to be the first part African-American President. It does kinda bother me when people focus on the fact that he is African-American, when he is half white as well, but that's just me. I, personally, would much rather have someone in the white house due to their character and leadership abilities rather than the color of their skin. It is wonderful to see how far our country has come when it comes to racism. I do not feel that Obama is the president for me, seeing as though I disagree with his ideas on the main issues. However, I feel that he has a long road a head of him. He has a lot that he says he is going to change. I feel that he is going to find it harder than expected. But what do I know?!

President Bush-
I am really going to miss President Bush. I know most of the world is so excited for change and dislike Bush, but not me. I think that at some point down the road, maybe not even in my life time, but someday, people are going to realize that President Bush was one of the best presidents and was the best president especially for this time. I feel that there are a lot of issues that we can't understand or even know about, and therefore blame Bush for everything. I feel like we don't even take notice of the fact that you can't blame one person for so many things that are going wrong, especially when we are not a monarchy. Maybe try looking at the things that are going right and understand that sometimes things that are going wrong have a reason behind it! From what I can tell, Bush is a God-fearing man, someone who is humble and is doing the best he can with what he has to work with. That is admirable.

On a lighter note...I woke up to snow this morning! I hate the cold. Hate driving in the snow. But I'm trying to look on the bright side of this winter season. Snow is beautiful and I love it when the mountains are covered in it! I do love to watch snow fall too. Last winter, one of my favorite nights was spent talking and laughing on Melanie's bed while watching the snow fall through the lights in the parking lot outside her bedroom window. I probably spent most of the time complaining about the cold while Melanie ooed and awed over the snow, but I have to admit that deep down in side I was thinking the same thing as Melanie. Weird, I know!

November 2, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Croker!

I can't believe that my little Sarie-Pooh is married! It seems like just the other day we thought we hated each other and now she's moved on from being my roommate to being Mrs. Ryan Croker! Ryan, you are one lucky man and she is lucky to have you as well. They make such a great couple. The two of them put up with me a lot this past summer...Ryan even had to listen to Sarah and I go off on our normal rants about random stuff. What a good guy! I'm so glad you two found each other! Congrats!